Lighten Hair Coloring - Tips to Lighten Your Hair Dye

Chemical hair dyes permanently change the color of your hair.  However, the chemical only sets in after 48-72 hours.  If you got your hair dyes less than 3 days ago, refer to my article on hair color removal.  If you have gotten your hair dyed more than 3 days ago, and it is darker than desired, there are multiple ways that you can to fade the color a little bit.  Certainly you can visit a professional, or you can use some at home techniques. 

  •  Visit a professional to help lighten your hair or redye it.
  • Wash your hair with Dawn dishwashing liquid.  This method is very drying but it should help wash out some of you dye.
  • Let your hair lie out in the sun.  A few hours in the sun can help to lighten your hair coloring.  It helps to fade the dye.
  • Hot oil treatments applied to your hair can help to remove the hair coloring dye which lightens your hair.
  • Time - time will make the dye fade eventually.  Also you could wait until your hair regrows.  But this takes ages.....
  •  Apply dandruff shampoo to your hair.  Dandruff shampoo can also be drying, but it will help lift out color and lighten your hair coloring.
    Remember that your new hair color will be a combination of your current color or base color and the color that you are applying.  Hence you can use a lighter hair coloring dye to lighten the color or your hair.  Just remember that although your hair may currently look terrible.  Your hair WILL eventually grow out and you will look normal again!!

    Have fun!

    Hair Coloring Ideas

    Need some hair coloring ideas? Are you a Brunette, Blond or Dark Haired person?  Do you want to go completely crazy with pinks and blues?  This article was written to give you some ideas on hair coloring.

    Hair is an essential aspect of your presentation.  When first meeting someone new, your hair is a hint as to what type of person you are.  Certain traits are associated with certain hair colors. 

    • Blonds are sexy and energetic. 
    • Brunettes are classy.
    • Dark haired beauties are exotic, mysterious, and intriguing.
    By changing your hair color, your personality will have a different tone than previously.  What type of person do you want to be?  Are you happy with who you are?  Maybe you're just adventurous and want to try new styles and colors.  These questions are important to answer when deciding which hair color to go with. 

    Although hair color changes the overtone of your personality.  Certain hair colors only go well with certain skin hues. 

    • For example, a blacked skin beauty may not look good with platinum blond hair!

    To read about more examples of what type of hair goes well with skin tone please read my hair color guide.

     The hair color that fits you best depends upon your skin tone, your eyebrow color, your eye color, your personality, your clothes, and many other aspects.  Keep in mind that people are constantly changing, so if you feel like blond would fit you well, keep in mind that in the future you may prefer to be a brunette.

    Not only do you have a choice of base color, but you can also get lowlights and highlights.  Hair color has a huge impact on appearance of the user.  With a different hair color and hair style, people you know well may do a double take when they first see you.  They may not even recognize you!

    Changing your hair color is a crucial as cutting or changing hair styles.  Ensure that the color you are choosing will fit you well.   

    Hair Color Removal Guide

    Tired of your dyed hair color?  Are you looking to remove your current hair color?  Sometimes we get tired of our hair color and want it to go back to a natural color.  Sometimes we have a disaster when trying to color our hair, that it is essential to return it to its own color.  Hair roots grow out and the color fades with time, however, sometimes we want immediate results...actually, we pretty much always want immediate results, no matter what the circumstances are.

    Sadly, if your hair is over three days old from when you dyed it, you probably will not be able to return it to its normal color unless you simply redye it to a color similar to your natural color.  Or you can go to a professional.  The professional can highlight your unlusterous hair and offset coloring mistakes. 

    If however, you dyed your hair in the last day or two, then you're probably in luck!  You can remove/reverse the color or minimize the damage.  Hair coloring usually takes between 48 and 72 hours to set into the cuticles.

    Hair Color Removal Guide at Home

    You do have the choice to go to a professional and try to get the color offset/removed.  But if you want to save costs then read on.

    • Rinse hair in Hot Water
    • Use Volume shampoos and gels to open the hair cuticles.
    • Hot virgin oil can strip the color chemicals.  CAUTION
    Tips for successful hair color removal:

    • Test the removal ideas on a single strand before applying to your entire hair carapace. 
    • Follow directions on all hair products.
    • Be careful with the hot liquids as they may harm your head and body and could stain your clothes.
    • Cover your eyes.
    • Don't bleach.  Bleach can cause even more damage.